Canadian Nautical Research Society

Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique


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    Le marin du nord





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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XIII - 2003

Auteur Titre Vol. No. Pages
Éditeurs Table des matières Volume XIII - details complets des revues de livres [ fichier Adobe PDF ]. 13 4 63-70
Sobey, DouglasThe Department of the Marine and the Search for Masts on île Saint-Jean [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 1 1-18
Fuller, Howard JSeagoing purposes indispensable to the defence of this country:Policy Pitfalls of Great Britain's Early Ironclads [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 1 19-36
Hansen, Kenneth PKingsmill's Cruisers: The Cruiser Tradition in the Early Royal Canadian Navy [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 1 37-52
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 1 53-78
Rawling, WilliamWhen The Simplest Thing is Difficult: Manufacturing Depth Charges in Canada, 1933-1945 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 2 1-23
Vanfraechem, StephanLa peur du rouge: Communist Action Committees in the Port of Antwerp during the 193 0s and 1940s [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 2 25-42
Davison, Robert LStriking a Balance Between Dissent and Discipline: Admiral Sir Reginald Drax [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 2 43-57
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 2 59-98
Drent, JanConfrontation in the Sargassso Sea: Soviet Submarines During the CubanMissile Crisis [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 3 1-19
Mulhearn, RachelDockside Dwellings; The provision of housing by the Liverpool Dock Authorities during the 19th Century [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 3 21-32
Wood, JamesThe Biscay Blockade: Canadian Tribal Class Destroyers in Operation KINETIC [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 3 33-47
Allard, Dean and Marc Milner Special review of W.A.B. Douglas, Roger Sarty and Michael Whitby, et al, No Higher Purpose. The Official Operational History of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War, 1939-1943, Volume II [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 3 49-54
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 3 55-73
Bradford, James CJohn Paul Jones and Guerre de Razzia [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 4 1-15
Malcomson, RobertNothing more uncomfortable than our flat-bottomed boats Batteaux in the British Service during the War of 1812 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 4 17-28
Willis, SamThe Capability of Sailing Warships Part 1: Windward Performance [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 4 29-39
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 13 4 41-62

Noter: les revues de livres sont indexées en détail dans la table annuelle des matières.

Tables des matières [disponibles pour lecture ici our pour télécharger].


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

Copyright © 2011, CNRS / SCRN.

Dernière révision: 11 mars 2011
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