Canadian Nautical Research Society

Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique


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    Le marin du nord





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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XIV - 2004

Auteur Titre Vol. No. Pages
Éditeurs Table des matières Volume XIV - details complets des revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 117-124
O.M. Meehan edited by William Glover with David Gray Meehan Papers [Foreword, Preface and Table of Contents] [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 i-x
O.M. Meehan edited by William Glover with David Gray Meehan Papers [Table of Contents (Cont.)] [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 2 ix-xiv
Éditeurs Introduction [Meehan Papers] [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 1-6
Chesley W. Sanger and Dennis R. Dawe (comp.) Index to O.M. Meehan : The Canadian Hydrographie Service From the time of its inception in 1883 to the end of the Second World War (from The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord, [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 2 [xii-xiv], 299-357
O.M. Meehan CHAPTER I : The Georgian Bay and Great Lakes Survey, 1883-1903 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 7-42
O.M. Meehan CHAPTER II : The Hydrographic Survey of Canada from its Formation to the First World War 1904-1914 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 43-103
O.M. Meehan CHAPTER III : the Hydrographic Survey of Canada from the First World War to the Commencement of the Canadian Hydrographic Service, 1915-1927 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 105-158
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 1 159-169
O.M. Meehan CHAPTER IV: The Hydrographie Survey of Canada from 1928 to the Commencement of the Second World War [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 2 159-244
O.M. Meehan CHAPTER V: the Second World War to the Appointment of R.J. Fraser as Dominion Hydrographer [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 2 245-297
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 2 299-319
Madsen, Chris Continuous Production in British Columbia Shipyards During the Second World War [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 1-26
Dienesch, Robert Radar and the American Submarine War, 1941 - 1945: A Reinterpretation [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 27-40
Andrews, Robert J. Two Ships - Two Flags: the Outaouaise/Williamson and the Iroquoise/Anson on Lake Ontario, 1759 - 1761 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 41- 55
Willis, Sam The Capability of Sailing Warships: Manoeuvrability [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 57-68
Ward, Robin, Ward Mediaeval Advice on the Avoidance and Treatment of Sea-sickness [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 69-72
Éditeurs Revues de livres [inclue critique spéciale, Auger, Martin Rien de plus noble [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 3 73-106
Syrett, David A Strategy of Detachments: The Dispatch of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves to America in 1780 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 1-9
Roland Pietsch Ships' Boys and Youth Culture in Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Navy Recruits of the London Marine Society [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 11-24
Mayne, Richard Olive "The little boat has just put her lights out: "The Life, Fate and Legacy of HMCS Bras d'Or [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 25-40
Gimblett, Richard H. Command in the Canadian Navy: An Historical Survey [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 41-60
Graves, Donald E. The Anse au Foulon, 1759: Some New Theories and Some New Evidence [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 61-72
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 14 4 73-116

Noter: les revues de livres sont indexées en détail dans la table annuelle des matières.

Tables des matières [disponibles pour lecture ici our pour télécharger].


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

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Dernière révision: 11 mars 2011
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