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    Le marin du nord





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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XV - 2005

Auteur Titre Vol. No. Pages
Éditeurs Table des matières Volume XV - details complets des revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 4 101-110
Harding, Richard The End of the Amphibious Option? The Cancellation of Operation Chopper, Sicily July 1943 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 1 1-14
Gray, David H. Grenfell and the Labrador Coast [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 1 15-25
Hampson, Thomas edited by William Glover HMS Challenger's Wintering Party, 1933-34: A Labrador Journal [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 1 27-74
Whalen, James M. Crocodile Chronicle: Atlantic Provinces, 1838-39 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 1 75-80
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 1 81-120
Trask, Benjamin H. The World of "Septic Vapours:" Yellow Fever and United States Shipping, 1798-1905 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 2 1-18
Depasquale, Carmen Voyageurs, corsaires, caravanistes: Aventures en mer, spectacle dans les ports [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 2 19-41
Chesley W. Sanger and Dennis R. Dawe (comp.) Index to O.M. Meehan : The Canadian Hydrographie Service From the time of its inception in 1883 to the end of the Second World War (published in The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord, XIV Nos 1 & 2) [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 2 [xii-xiv], 299-357
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 2 43-86
Salmon, M. Stephen "This Remarkable Growth": Investment in Canadian Great Lakes Shipping, 1900-1959 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 1-37
Sanger, Chesley W. The Origins and Development of Shore-Based Commercial Whaling at Spitsbergen during the 17th Century: A Resource Utilization Assessment [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 39-51
Scholl, Lars U. The Loss of the Steamship President: A painting by the German artist Andreas Achenbach [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 53-71
Vanfraechem, Stephan The Dutch "Iron Lady" versus the Belgian "Unknowing Man:" The water-treaties between the Netherlands and Belgium 1975-1995 [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 73-86
Davison, Robert L. "Auxillium ab Alto" - The Royal Navy Executive Branch and the Experience of War [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 87-105
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 3 107-142
Calow, Keith Rough Justice: The Court Martial of Lieutenant Robert Douglas Legate [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 4 1-17
Goette, Richard Britain and the Delay in Closing the Mid-Atlantic "Air Gap" During the Battle of the Atlantic [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 4 19-41
Barnhouse, Pat D.C. Trials and Tribulations: An Examination of the Decision to Terminate the FHE 400 Hydrofoil Project [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 4 43-52
Éditeurs Revues de livres [ Adobe PDF file ]. 15 4 53-100

Noter: les revues de livres sont indexées en détail dans la table annuelle des matières.

Tables des matières [disponibles pour lecture ici our pour télécharger].


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

Copyright © 2011, CNRS / SCRN.

Dernière révision: 11 mars 2011
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