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    Le marin du nord





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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XX - 2010

À noter : Cette table des matières est aussi disponible en format .pdf.

Pierre Camu, Le déclin du Port de Québec dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle / 251

Rodney Carlisle, The Flag Insulted: U.S. Merchant Marine Incidents, 1865-1895 / 267

Michael Clark, William Schaw Lindsay: righting the wrongs of a radical shipowner / 283

Kenneth P. Hansen, Canadian Naval Operational Logistics: Lessons Learned, Lost, and Relearned? / 361

Alston Kennerley, Sail Training, Vocational Socialisation and Merchant Seafarer Careers: The German Initiative in the 1950s / 385

Robert J. King, "The long wish'd for object" - Opening the Trade to Japan, 1785-1795 / 1

John C. Mitcham, Patrolling the White Man's Grave: The Impact of Disease on Anglo-American Naval Operations Against the Slave Trade, 1841-1862 / 37

Don MacGillivray, Cape Bretoners in the Victoria Sealing Fleet, and beyond / 239

Janet Maybee, The Persecution of Pilot Mackey / 149

James Pritchard, The Beaver and the Bear: Canadian Mutual Aid, Ship Repairing and the Soviet Far Eastern Merchant Fleet 1941-1945 / 129

Éric Sinou-Bertault, 17 juin 1940, le plus grand désastre maritime Britannique? / 407

Christopher Kulander and Sergei Lomako, The Arctic: Past the Last Frontier / 71

Louis Arthur Norton, Maritime Occupational Disease: "the Scurvy" / 57

Angus Ross, HMS Dreadnought (1906) – A Naval Revolution Misinterpreted or Mishandled? / 175

The Battle of Midway and Dallas Woodbury Isom, Midway Inquest. Why the Japanese Lost the Battle of Midway by John Francis / 199

Tudor Pickory and Plunder on the High Seas. John C. Appleby, Under the Bloody Flag: Pirates of the Tudor Age by J. S. Dean / 313

Michael R. Adams, Ocean Station: Operations of the U.S. Coast Guard, 1940-1977 by C. Douglas Kroll / 419

Per-Uno Ågren, Folkligt Båtskick i övre Norrland by Mette Guldberg / 85

J.P. Andrieux, Rumrunners. The Smugglers from St. Pierre and Miquelon and the Burin Peninsula from Prohibition to Present Day by Bradley Shoebottom / 317

Jeffrey G. Barlow, From Hot War to Cold: The U.S. Navy and National Security Affairs by Marcus Jones / 209

Roger W. Barnett, Navy Strategic Culture. Why the Navy Thinks Differently by Ian Yeates / 318

Dean Bavington, Managed Annihilation: An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse by James E. Candow / 420

Herbert K. Beals, R.J. Campbell, Ann Savours and Anita McConnell, Roy Bridges (eds.), Four Travel Journals. The Americas, Antarctica and Africa, 1775-1874 by Michael Clark / 86

Jenny Bennett (ed.), Sailing into the Past: Replica Ships and Seamanship by Roeland Paardekooper / 210

Nicholas Black, The British Naval Staff in the First World War by Robert Davison / 320

John Blake, The Sea Chart. The Illustrated History of Nautical Maps and Navigational Charts by Jeffrey S. Murray / 211

Leo Block, Aboard the Farragut Class Destroyers: A History with First Person Accounts of Enlisted Men by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 213

John Boileau, Halifax and the Royal Canadian Navy by David Flemming / 320

John Bowen and Martin Robson (eds.), Shipwright 2010 by N. Roger Cole / 215

Stephen Bown, Merchant Kings: When Companies Ruled the World, 1600-1900 by Michael F. Dove / 322

David Brown, Carrier Operations in World War II by E.J. Michael Young / 88

Paul Brown, Britain's Historic Ships by Ingo Heidbrink / 217

W. H. Bunting, Live Yankees. The Sewalls and their Ships by Marven E. Moore / 218

David Childs, Tudor Sea Power. The Foundation of Greatness by Heather-Anne Getson / 324

Chronique d'histoire maritime, no. 64, juillet 2008 by James Pritchard / 220

Greg Cochkanoff with Bob Chaulk, S.S. Atlantic. The White Star Line's First Disaster at Sea by Richard Macmichael / 422

Sheldon S. Cohen, Commodore Abraham Whipple of the Continental Navy: Privateer, Patriot, Pioneer by Frederick C. Leiner / 325

E.C. Coleman, The Pig War. The Most Perfect War in History by Kenneth S. Mackenzie / 423

Dan Conlin, Pirates of the Atlantic. Robbery, murder and mayhem on the Canadian East Coast by Cheryl Fury / 327

Michael C. Connolly, Seated by the Sea. The Maritime History of Portland, Maine, and Its Irish Longshoremen by Thaddeus Lyford / 425

Anthony Cooper, HMAS Bataan, 1952: An Australian Warship in the Korean War by Greg Swinden / 329

Bryan Cooper, The War of the Gunboats, 1916-1948 by Graeme Arbuckle / 89

Tony Cope, On the Swing Shift. Building Liberty Ships in Savannah by James Pritchard / 221

George C. Daughan, If By Sea: The Forging of the American Navy - From the American Revolution to the War of 1812 by Charles E. Brodine, Jr. / 329

James P. Delgado, Khubilai Khan's Lost Fleet. In Search of a Legendary Armada by Roger Smith / 91

Harry W. Dickinson, Educating the Royal Navy: 18th and 19th Century Education for Officers by Robert Davison / 92

Roger Dingman, Deciphering the Rising Sun: Navy and Marine Corps Codebreakers, Translators, and Interpreters in the Pacific War by Courtney A. Short / 222

Helen Doe, Enterprising Women and Shipping in the Nineteenth Century by Marven E. Moore / 427

Bernard Edwards, The Cruel Sea Retold; The Truth behind Monsarrat's Epic Convoy Drama by Jacob Bart Hak / 224

Anton Englert and Athena Trakadas, Wulfstan's Voyage. The Baltic Sea region in the early Viking Age as seen from shipboard by Roeland Paardekooper / 428

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, Carnes Lord (eds.) China goes to Sea. Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective by Andrew Forbes / 430

Nicholas Fogg, The Voyages of the Great Britain. Life at Sea in the World's First Liner by Maurice Smith / 93

Michael Franks, The Court, The Atlantic and the City. Sir Walter Raleigh v. William Sanderson by John Appleby / 331

Norman Friedman, British Destroyers. From the earliest days to the Second World War by Michael Young / 225

Howard J. Fuller, Clad in Iron. The American Civil War and the Challenge of British Naval Power by Kurt Hackemer / 431

Alison Games, The Web of Empire: English Cosmopolitans In An Age of Expansion, 1560-1660 by Christopher P. Magra / 433

Ambrose Greenway, Cargo Liners. An Illustrated History by Richard MacMichael / 95

Richard Guilliatt and Peter Hohnen, The Wolf. How One German Raider Terrorized the Allies in the Most Epic Voyage of WWI by Christopher Kretzschmar / 435

Johanna Ryan Guy, Ryan's Commander. The boat that should not have sailed by David Walker / 333

Richard Harding (ed.), A Great & Glorious Victory. New Perspectives on the Battle of Trafalgar by W. Alec Douglas / 437

Nelson "Mickey" Haydamaker with Alan D. Millar, Deck Hand. Life on Freighters of the Great Lakes by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 96

David Boyd Haycock and Sally Archer (eds.), Health and Medicine at Sea, 1700-1900 by John Townley / 333

Joel Ira Holwitt, "Execute Against Japan" The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Robert Dienesch / 97

Peter Hore, Sydney Cipher and Search by Greg Swinden / 99

Emrys Hughes and Aled Eames, Porthmadog Ships by Marven E. Moore / 100

Reinhard H. Huxmann, Die Karriere des Kreuzers Königsberg nach Seinem Untergang. Bilddokumentation einer Bergung by Christopher Kretzschmar / 438

Ian Jackson (ed.), The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger (1789–1857) Volume II-The Voyages of 1814, 1815 and 1816 and The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger Volume III-The Voyages of 1817, 1818 and 1820 by Alex Werner / 336

John Jordan (ed.), Warship 2010 by C. Douglas Maginley / 440

David W. Jourdan, Never Forgotten: the Search and Discovery of Israel's Lost Submarine DAKAR by Israel Leshem / 226

Amyr Klink (Thomas H. Norton, trans.), Endless Sea by Len Forrest / 102

Angus Konstam, The Battle of North Cape. The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst, 1943 by Jan Drent / 339

S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler, The Steamboat Era. A History of Fulton's Folly on American Rivers, 1807-1860 by Walter Lewis / 228

Steven Laffoley, Death Ship of Halifax Harbour by Bradley Shoebottom / 441

James B. Lamb, The Corvette Navy. True stories from Canada's Atlantic War by Fraser McKee / 341

Xabier Lamikiz, Trade and Trust in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World, Spanish Merchants and their Overseas Networks by Ralph Lee Woodward Jr. / 442

A.G.W. Lamont, Guns Above, Steam Below in Canada's Navy of WWII by Fraser McKee / 229

Donald Launer, Navigation Through the Ages by Len Forrest / 342

Jim Leeke, Manila and Santiago. The New Steel Navy in the Spanish-American War by David Walker / 444

Melanie Leonhard, Die Unternehmerfamilie Rickmers 1834-1918 by L. M. Akveld / 343

James A. Lewis, The Spanish Convoy of 1750. Heaven's Hammer and International Diplomacy by Michael F. Dove / 445

Jörn Lindner, Schiffart und Schiffbau in einer Hand. Die Firmen der Familie Rickmers 1918-2000 by L.M. Akveld / 343

David Loades, The Making of the Elizabethan Navy 1540-1590: From the Solent to the Armada by Edward M. Furgol / 345

John B. Lundstrom, Black Shoe Carrier Admiral: Frank Jack Fletcher at Coral Sea, Midway & Guadalcanal by Wilf Lund / 104

Philip Macdougall (ed.), Chatham Dockyard, 1815-1865. Industrial Transformation by Julian Gwyn / 230

Ruddock Mackay and Michael Duffy, Hawke, Nelson and British Naval Leadership, 1747-1805 by Keith Mercer / 447

Christopher Magra, The Fisherman's Cause. Atlantic Commerce and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution by Kelly Chaves / 106

Roy R. Manstan and Frederic J. Frese, Turtle: Davis Bushnell's Revolutionary Vessel by Louis Arthur Norton / 448

Lorraine McConaghy, Warship Under Sail: The USS Decatur in the Pacific Northwest by Jason W. Smith / 450

Ben McIntyre, Operation Mincemeat. How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory by Ian Yeates / 452

Gary McKay, The Sea King: The Life of James Iredell Waddell by John Townley / 347

Dirk Meier (Angus McGeoch, trans.) Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages by Cheryl Fury / 453

Eric L. Mills, The Fluid Envelope of our Planet. How the Study of Ocean Currents Became a Science by Keith Benson / 107

Ulrich Mohr and A.V. Sellwood, Ship 16. The Story of a German Surface Raider by Fraser McKee / 455

William Mowll, Thunderer. Building a Model Dreadnaught by N. Roger Cole / 348

Hugh Murphy and Derek J. Oddy, The Mirror of the Seas. A Centenary History of the Society for Nautical Research by Michael Clark / 456

Peter V. Nash, The Development of Mobile Logistical Support in Anglo-American Naval Policy, 1900-1953 by Yves V. Raic / 231

Louis Arthur Norton, Captains Contentious. The Dysfunctional Sons of the Brine by Cheryl Fury / 109

Vincent O'Hara, Struggle for the Middle Seas: The Great Navies at War in the Mediterranean Theater, 1940-1945 by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 350

Lawrence Paterson, Black Flag, The Surrender of Germany's U-Boat Forces1945 by Fraser McKee / 110

John C. Payne, Piracy Today. Fighting Villainy of the High Seas by Arne Bialewski / 352

Colin Pengelly, Sir Samuel Hood and the Battle of the Chesapeake by Oliver Walton / 353

Michael Pitassi, The Navies of Rome by Hugh Elton / 232

Philip Reed, Building a Miniature Navy Board Model by Roger Cole / 112

Quentin Rees, The Cockleshell Canoes: British Military Canoes of World War Two by Michael Young / 234

Bill Rompkey (ed.), St. John's and the Battle of the Atlantic by Jim Candow / 114

Ann Savours, Sophie Forgan and Glynn Williams, Northward HO! A Voyage towards the North Pole 1773 by Victor Suthren / 458

Lars Scholl (ed.), Exhibition catalogue, 175 Jahre Rickmers. Eine Familien-und Fiemengeschichte by L.M. Akveld / 353

Sara Sheldon, The Few. The Proud: Women Marines in Harm's Way by Tori E. Giordano / 236

Donald G. Shomette, Flotilla: the Patuxent Naval Campaign in the War of 1812 by Sheldon Negus / 237

Gerald R. Smith and Emily S. Damstra, Guide to Great Lakes Fishes by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 459

Ken Smith, A History of Disaster. The Worst Storms, Accidents, and Conflagrations in Atlantic Canada by Nino Scavullo / 115

Bruce Stagg, The Blackwood Schooner. The Story of the Ella M. Rudolph by Len Forrest / 461

Michael Stammers, Liverpool Sailing Ships by Bradley Shoebottom / 119

David J. Starkey, Jon Th. Thor, Ingo Heidbrink (eds.), A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries, Vol. 1. From Early Times to the Mid-Nineteenth Century by René Taudal Poulsen / 118

Charles Stephenson, Germany's Asia-Pacific Empire: Colonialism and Naval Policy, 1885-1914 by John Francis / 356

Jon Sutherland and Diane Canwell, Images of War. U-boats at War in World Wars I and II by Bradley Shoebottom / 119

Vicki Ellen Szabo, Monstrous Fishes and the Mead-Dark Sea. Whaling in the medieval North Atlantic by Joost Schokkenbroek / 120

William F. Trimble, Hero of the Air. Glenn Curtiss and the Birth of Naval Aviation by Robert L. Shoop / 357

Dan van der Vat, The Dardanelles Disaster. Winston Churchill's Greatest Failure by Ian Yeates / 122

Chris Ware, Admiral Byng: His Rise and Execution by Michael Clark / 124

Kerry Ward, Networks of Empire: Forced Migration in the Dutch East India Company by Jaap R. Bruijn / 359

Greg H. Williams, The French Assault on American Shipping, 1793-1813: A History and Comprehensive Record of Merchant Marine Losses by Martin Hubley / 462

Glyn Williams, The Death of Captain Cook: A Hero Made and Unmade by Barry Gough / 126

Ron Young and Pamela Armstrong, Silent Warriors. Submarine Wrecks of the United Kingdom (Vol. 2) by Fraser McKee / 127>

Tables des matières [disponibles pour lecture ici our pour télécharger].


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
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Dernière révision: 12 déc 2011
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