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Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique

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The Keith Matthews Awards

Best Books | Best Scholarly Articles

Award Criteria:

  1. The books and articles considered for these awards must be published in the year for which they are judged. 
  2. Books and articles must be either written or edited by a Canadian author or be on a Canadian maritime topic. 
  3. Books do not have to be published by a Canadian publisher.
  4. Articles must have been published in the Society's journal. 
  5. Books and articles must have a maritime focus and can include works of history, geography, sociology, anthropology or other disciplines.
  6. Authors or members of CNRS may self-nominate books; all articles (and only articles) published in the Society's journal will be considered. 
  7. If no book or article is deemed worthy of an award in a given year, no award is given.
  8. Book submissions must be in the hands of the Committee by 31 March of the presentation year.

Terms of Reference:

  1. Publishers typically will submit books they consider worthy of review. The Chair of the Awards Committee may also contact publishers to solicit books for review by the members. 
  2. All full-length articles based on original research appearing in the Society's journal are eligible for consideration; normally research notes, commentaries and review essays are not considered.
  3. When more than one article or book is worthy of note, an Honourable Mention or Special Recognition may be awarded.
  4. Once the Awards Committee members have reviewed the submissions and reached a consensus, the Chair of the Awards Committee will advise the successful authors and their publishers of the decision. 
  5. Formal announcement of the Matthews Awards is made at the Society's AGM. 
  6. The Chair of the Awards Committee ensures that award recipients in both categories receive a certificate signed by the President of CNRS and the Chair of the Matthews Awards Committee. 
  7. The costs related to the Matthews Awards will be authorized by the Treasurer. 
  8. The Chair of the Awards Committee will report to Council on the activities of the Committee and to the Society's membership at the AGM. 

Keith Matthews Awards Recipients for Articles

First awarded in 1986, the award is for an article published in the previous year.

2024: Benjamin Schaffer, "A ‘Small Vessel of Brisk Bostoneers’: The Life and Times of the Massachusetts Province Sloop Mary, c.1688-1693.” The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 33:1 (Spring 2023), 1-26.
Honourable Mention: James Alvey, "Fleet Carrier in Name or Fact?: The Post-War Misinterpretation of USS Ranger as Unsuitable for Combat in the Pacific.” The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 33:2 (Summer 2023), 207-244.
Honourable Mention: Ian Yeates, “’Admiral Jellicoe Goes to Sea’: The Naval Mission and the Ambition for an ‘Imperial Royal Navy’.” The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 33:1 (Spring 2023), 43-80.

2023: David Murray, "The 46th Reconnaissance Squadron: Arctic exploration and Questions of Sovereignty in the Early Cold War." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 32.1 (Spring/ Printemps 2022), 39-70.
Honourable Mention: Carolyn Kennedy, "Traveller Impressions of Lake Champlain Steamboats, 1827-1842." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 32.1 (Spring/Printemps 2022), 21-38.

2022: Frank A. Blazich Jr., "Inventors and Innovators: Naval Lighterage and Anglo-American Success in Amphibious Invasions of German-Occupied Europe." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 31.2 (Summer/été 2021), 125-172.

2021: Caroline Finkel, "Henry Felix Woods and the Black Sea/Bosphorus Entrance Maritime Safety System, Then and Now." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 30.4 (Winter/hiver 2020), 379-418.
Honourable Mention: Hugh Murphy, "Research Organisations in British Shipbuilding and Large Marine Engine Manufacture, 1900-1977. In Three Parts" The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 30.1, 2 & 3 (Spring/printemps 2020), 1-22, 133-154, 213-240.

2020: Jan Drent, "Esquimalt: An Outpost of Empire in the Great War." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord 29.3 (Fall/automne 2019), 233-254.
Honourable Mention: Thomas Malcomson, "Commodore Sir Edward W. C. R. Owen: Shaping the British naval Establishment on the Great Lakes in the Wake of the War of 1812." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXIX.1 (Spring/printemps 2019), 1-24.

2019: Keith Bird & Jason Hines, "In the Shadow of Ultra: A Reappraisal of German Naval Intelligence in 1914-1918." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXVIII.2 (Spring/printemps 2018), 97-118.
Honourable Mention: Nicolas Landry, "Tensions, diplomatic et accommodements dans un espace partagé: La France et l'Angleterre sur la côte ouest de Terre Neuve, 1842-1870." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXVIII.4 (Autumn/automne 2018), 347-362.

2018: Jan Drent, "The Trans-Pacific Lend-Lease Shuttle to the Russian Far East 1941-46." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXVII.1 (January/janvier 2017), 31-58.
Honourable Mention: Merlin Bunt & Trevor Williams, "The Last Steamboat Whistle: The Rise and Demise of Chilliwack Landing at Skwah First Nation, 1863-1928." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXVII.3 (July/juillet 2017), 267-288.

2017: Anthony Dickinson, "Maritime Support for Great Britain's Antarctic Sovereignty Claim: Operation Tabarin and the 1944-45 Voyage of the Newfoundland Sealing Ship Eagle." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXVI.1 (January/janvier 2016), 1-20.

2016: Kenneth S. MacKenzie, "Scaremongering or Preparedness? navy Leagues in Canada 1895-1939." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXV.3 (July/juillet 2015), 217-238.
Honourable Mention: Nicholas Landy, "Les Dangers de la navigation et de la pêche dans l'Atlantique Français au 18e siècle." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXV.1 & 2 (January/janvier & April/avril 2015), 43-64.

2015: John T. Girder, "'Tis a shameful confession': Steam power and the Pacific Maritime Labor Community." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXIV.1 & 2 (April/avril 2014), 111-133.

2014: Rohit T. Aggarwala, "'One such place in North America': New York, Boston, and Halifax as British Naval Bases, 1743-1783." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXIII.3-4 (July-October/juillet-octobre 2013), 339-366.

2013: Michael Whitby, "Views from a Different Side of the Jetty: Commodore A. B. F. Fraser-Harris and the Royal Canadian Navy, 1946-1964." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXII.1 (January/janvier 2012), 1-26.
Honourable Mention: Samuel Negus, "‘Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer': Fraudulent Enlistment Practices at U.S. Navy Recruitment Rendezvous during the American Civil War." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXII.1 (January/janvier 2012), 27-52.

2012: George Bolotenko, "Wartime Explosions in Archangel, 1916-1917: 'Bakarista is Burning'; 'Ekonomiia is Now a Wasteland.'" The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXI.4 (October/octobre 2011), 377-405.
Honourable Mention: Carl Swanson, "'The Unspeakable Calamity this Poor Province Suffers from Pyrats': South Carolina and the Golden Age of Piracy." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XXI.2 (April/avril 2011), 117-142.

2011: James Pritchard, "The beaver and the Bear: Canadian Mutual Aid, Ship Repairing and the Soviet Far Eastern Merchant Fleet 1941-1945." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XX.2 (April/avril 2010), 129-147.
Honourable Mention: Janet Maybee, "The Persecution of Pilot MacKay." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XX.2 (April/avril 2010), 149-173.

2010: Jonathan R. Dull, "The Myth of French Abandonment." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XIX.1 (January/janvier 2009), 1-6.

2009: John C. Appleby, "Conflict, co-operation and competition: the rise and fall of the Hull whaling trade during the seventeenth century." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XVIII.2 (April/avril 2008), 23-59.

2006: Benjamin H. Trask "The World of 'Septic Vapours': Yellow Fever and United States Shipping, 1798-1905." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XV.2 (April/avril 2005), 1-18.
Honourable Mention: Robert L. Davison "'Auxillium ab Alto:' the Royal Navy Executive Branch and the Experience of War." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XV.3 (July/juillet 2005), 87-105.

2005: Sam Willis, "The Capability of Sailing Warships: Manoeuvrability." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XIV.3 (October/octobre 2004), 57-68.
Honourable Mention: Richard Gimblett, "Command in the Canadian Navy: An Historical Survey." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XIV.4 (October/octobre 2004), 41-60.

2004: Stephan Vanfraechem, "'La peur du rouge:' Communist Action Committees in the Port of Antwerp during the 1930s and 1940s." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XIII.2 (April/avril 2003), 25-42.

2003: Timothy Wilford, "Decoding Pearl Harbor: USN Cryptoanalysis and the Challenge of JN-25 in 1941." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XII.1 (January/janvier 2002), 17-37.

2002: Julian Gwyn, "The Halifax Naval Yard and Mast Contractors, 1775 - 1815." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord XI.4 (October/octobre 2001), 1-25.

2001: Michael L. Hadley, "Grand Admiral Doenitz (1891 - 1980): A Dramatic Key to the Man behind the Mask." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord X.2 (April/avril 2000), 1-22.

2000: Richard Gimblett, "'Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Seamen:' The Lower-Deck Complement of a Postwar Canadian Destroyer - The Case of HMCS Crescent, March 1949." The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord IX.3 (July/juillet 1999), 1-22.

1999: William E. Schrank, "Benefiting Fishermen: Origins of Fishermen's Unemployument Insurance in Canada, 1935 - 1957," Journal of Canadian Studies, 35, No 1, (Spring 1998), 61-87.

1993: Shannon Ryan, "The Industrial Revolution and the Newfoundland Seal Fishery," International Journal of Maritime History, IV: 2, (December 1992), 1-43

1992: Colin Howell & Richard Twomey, (eds), Jack Tar in History, (Fredericton, NB: Acadiensis Press, 1991). N.B.: Rather than single out one article, the Committee recognized this entire volume for its significant contribution to maritime studies.

1991: Sean Cadigan, "Battle Harbour in Transition: Merchants, Fishermen and the State in the Struggle of Relief in a Labrador Community during the 1930s," Labour/Le Travail, XXVI (1990), 125-150.
Honourable Mention: R.V. Kubicek, "The Colonial Steamer and the Occupation of West Africa by the Victorian State, 1840 - 1900," Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, XVIII (1990)

1990: Marc Milner, "The Implications of Technological Backwardness: The Royal Canadian Navy 1939 - 1945," Canadian Defence Quarterly, Vol 19 No 3, (Winter 1989), 46-52.
Honourable Mention: Garth Wilson, "The Great Lakes Historical Ships Research Project: An Innovative Approach to Documentation and Analysis of Historic Hull Design," International Journal of Maritime History, Vol 1 No 2, (December 1989), 199-238.

1989: C. Knick Harley, "Ocean Freight Rates and Productivity, 1740 - 1913: The Primacy of Mechanical Invention Reaffirmed," Journal of Economic History, XLVIII, No 4, (December 1988), 851-876.
Honourable Mention: John Mannion, "The Maritime Trade of Waterford in the Eighteenth Century," in William J. Smith and Kevin Whelan, (eds.) Common Ground: Essays on the Historical Geography or Ireland (Cork: Cork University Press, 1988)

1988: James Pritchard, "From Shipwright to Naval Contractor: The Professionalization of 18th Century French Shipbuilders," Technology and Culture XVIII, No 1 (January 1987), 1-25.
Honourable Mention: W.J. Jurens, "The Loss of H.M.S. Hood - A Re-examination," Warship International, XXIV, No 2, (1987), 122-180.

1987: T.J.A. LeGoff, "Les gens de mer devant le système des classes (1755 - 1763): résistance ou passivité?" in Alain Lottin, Jean Claude Hochquet et Stephane Lebecq, (eds.) Revue du Nord: Acts du colloque de Boulogne-sur-mer, juin 1984, published in Revue du Nord (Spécial Hors Série 1 1986), 463-473.

1986: Carl Swanson, "American Privateering and Imperial Warfare, 1739 - 48," William and Mary Quarterly, (1985), 357-382.


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Last revised: 3 January 20254
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