Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique |
| English | français | Membership InformationAnnual membership in the Canadian Nautical Research Society, including four issues of Argonauta and The Northern Mariner / le Marin du Nord is by calendar year and is an exceptional value for Canadians at $80 for individuals, $25 for students or $95 for institutions. All members receive the PDF issues of Argonauta by email, and also receive a monthly "Notices" email as well. Digital only members do not receive a paper copy of The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord, but they do receive a PDF copy by email. Individuals or groups interested in furthering the work of the CNRS are also welcome to make donations to the society. The CNRS is a registered charity and any donation above the cost of basic membership to the Society will be acknowledged with a tax-receipt.
payable by cheque, money order, or credit card (VISA or Mastercard). All prices are in Canadian dollars. Electronic payment : Note that we can process your on-line payment for membership here. Application Form (regular mail) : You may download the printable form in PDF format here. Our postal address for all corresponence concerning membership is:
Email concerning membership : Membership Secretary.
Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029 Ottawa, Ontario K2J 5B1 |
Copyright © 2023, CNRS / SCRN. |
Last revised: 8 December 2023 |