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Canadian Nautical Research Society

Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique

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The Gerry Panting Award for New Scholars


Award Criteria:

  1. A "new scholar" is generally defined as a person with less than five years experience in the academic field, particularly in maritime studies. 
  2. To be eligible for the award, new scholars can be Canadian students at Canadian or foreign universities working in the field of maritime studies, or researchers from other countries working on Canadian maritime topics. 
  3. The object of the bursary is to assist in-person attendance at the Society’s annual conference.
  4. The Awards Committee will take into account the merit of the applications received, previous work by applicants as well as their proposed paper, and the level of need for financial assistance. 
  5. Members of CNRS, aside from Awards Committee members, may self-nominate for this award. 

Terms of Reference:

  1. The Conference Organizing Committee will ensure that the conference announcement, call for papers and all references to the conference mention the Gerry Panting Award for New Scholars. 
  2. Nominations for the Gerry Panting Award for New Scholars are reviewed by the Council in advance of final selection notification. 
  3. Once selected, candidates will be advised immediately of their award by the Awards Committee Chair. 
  4. The recipient will be announced in Argonauta and identified in The Northern Mariner/Le marin du nord, if his or her paper is published. 
  5. Formal announcement of the recipient will be made at the Society's AGM. 
  6. Costs incurred for the Gerry Panting Award for New Scholars will be authorized by the Treasurer. 
  7. Members of the Awards Committee are not eligible for the award during their tenure. 
  8. The Chair of the Awards Committee will report to Council on the activities of the Committee and to the Society's membership at the AGM.

Winners of the Gerry Panting Award for New Scholars

2024: Shared by Ambjörn L. Adomeit, Western University, "The American Indictment: Canada’s Search for Nuclear Attack Submarines and the United States’ Opposition,” and Jill Schuler, North Carolina African American Heritage Commission, “ 'A Tale of Two Ships: Part Deux' – Previous Discoveries in the History of La Concorde and the Next Phase of the Project.” Papers presented at the CNRS Conference, St Catharines, ON

2022: not awarded

2021: Jordan Kerr, University of Victoria, "The Invisible Strength and Heart Behind the Uniform: Experiences of Canadian Navy Officers Wives since World War II Through Oral History." Presented at the CNRS Conference, Victoria, BC.

2020: not awarded

2019: Shared by Ambjörn Adomeit, Royal Military College of Canada, "The RCN Submarine Squadron: Historical Trends and Advocating a Direction for Canadian Submarine Procurement in the 21st Century" and Nicholas Kaizer, Mount Saint Vincent University, "How the Royal Navy and the British World understood the forgotten single ship actions of the American War, 1813-1815." Papers presented at the CNRS Conference, Thunder Bay, ON.

2012: Shared by Natalie Anderson, University of British Columbia, "British Ballads and Yankee Ditties: The Musical War of 1812;" and James Walton, Queen's University, "'The Forgotten Bitter Truth:' The War of 1812 and the Foundation of an American Naval Myth." Papers presented at the CNRS Conference, Picton, ON.

2011: Shared by Sam McLean, Wilfred Laurier University, "To Put the Sea in the Soul of the Sailor: Naval Attitudes towards Sail Training;" and Corbin Williamson (with Chris Madsen), "British Warship Repairs in North America during the Second World War." Papers presented at the CNRS Conference, Ottawa, ON.

2010: Samuel McLean, Wilfred Laurier University, "Richmond and Callender: The hidden debate of 1942." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Halifax, NS.

2009: not awarded

2008: not awarded

2007: not awarded

2006: not awarded

2005: Ken Hansen, Royal Military College of Canada, "The Royal Canadian Navy and Dreadnoughts: The research Sources." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Hamilton, ON.

2004: Erin Weir, U of Calgary, "The Nazi Submarine Blockade: A Near Victory of Economic Warfare." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Ottawa, ON.

2003: not awarded

2002: William Miles, Memorial University of Newfoundland, "Some Aspects of Squadron Deployment to North America, 1689-1713." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Halifax, NS.

2001: Kimberley Monk, East Carolina University, "'A prince among Welland Canallers’?: Documenting the History of the Schooner-barge Sligo." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Kingston, ON.

2000: Michael Dove, University of Western Ontario, "Laying the Keel: The Evolution of the Hudson's Bay Company's Shipping Operation, 1670 -1730." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Ottawa, ON.

1999: Bradley T. Shoebottom, University of New Brunswick, "The Shipbuilding Career of Gaius Samuel Turner of Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, 1874-1892." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Corner Brook, NL.

1998: Dr. Joseph Maiolo, London School of Economics and Political Science, "Deception and Intelligence Failure: Anglo-German Preparations for U-Boat Warfare in the 1930s." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, Calgary, AB.

1997: David Clarke, Memorial University of Newfoundland. "Maryport Coaster and Coaster Men, 1855-1889." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference, St. John, NB.

1996: Daniel Conlin, St Mary’s University, "Nova Scotia Privateers in the Caribbean, 1793-1805." Paper presented at the CNRS Conference at HMCS Cataraqui, Kingston, ON.


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Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

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Last revised: 6 July 2024
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