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Canadian Nautical Research Society

Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique

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The James Pritchard Student Article Prize

Award Criteria:

  1. The articles considered for this prize must be published in the Society’s journal in the year for which they are judged. 
  2. To be eligible for the prize, a student must be enrolled in a Canadian educational institution at the time of submission of the article for consideration for publication. 
  3. If no article meets the eligibility criteria or is deemed worthy of an award in a given year, no prize is given.

Terms of Reference:

  1. Once Committee members have reviewed the submissions and reached a consensus, the Chair of the Awards Committee advises the successful author of the decision.
  2. Formal announcement of the James Pritchard Student Article Prize is made at the Society's AGM.
  3. The cash prizes and other costs related to the James Pritchard Student Article Prize will be authorized by the Treasurer. 
  4. The Chair of the Awards Committee will report to Council on the activities of the Committee and to the Society's membership at the AGM.

James Pritchard Student Article Prize recipients

First awarded in 2023, this prize is for an article published in the previous year.

2024 : not awarded.

2023: David Niddam-Dent, “'The Best VR in the Whole Flaming Navy': The Life and Career of Lieutenant Commander Clifton R. 'Tony' Coughlin” The Northern Mariner/ Le marin du nord 32.2 (Summer/ Été 2022), 129-174.



Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

Copyright © 2011-2025, CNRS / SCRN.

Last revised: 3 January 2025
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