Canadian Nautical Research Society

Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique


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Printing selected pages from a .pdf file

To print selected pages from a .pdf file (for example, a single book from the "Reviews" section, there is a help file available from Adobe for Acrobat Reader at <>, or follow the notes below:

Firefox, Opera and Safari browsers:

Method A:

  • In the top left of the viewing area, click the "pages" icon. This will open a column on the left of the screen.
  • Select the first page of the desired review, right click it and select "Print pages."
  • In the new "box" that appears, use "Print Range" "Pages" and type in the range of pages that you want to print (not The Northern Mariner page numbers, just the pdf pages.)
  • Click "O.K."

or, Method B:

  • In the top left of the viewing area, click the "pages" icon. This will open a column on the left of the screen.
  • Select the first page of the desired review, hold down the <CTRL> key and select the next one or two pages to the end of the review.
  • Right click them and select "Print pages."
  • In the new "box" that appears, verify that range of pages is correct for what you want to print (not the The Northern Mariner page numbers, just the pdf pages.)
  • Click "O.K."

Google Chrome:

  • Scroll down to find the first page of the desired review, right click it and select "Print..."
  • In the new left column, select "pages" (just below "all") and enter the desired range
  • Click print

Microsoft Exploder:

  • More or less the same as Firefox (unverified)


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
P.O. Box 34029
Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

Copyright © 2011, CNRS / SCRN.

Last revised: 28 Mar 2013
Technology by Stormy Weather