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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XXVI - 2016

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Le marin du nord, Volume XXVI (2016), No. 1 Table des matières, éditorial, y compris les détails des critiques de livres.
Le marin du nord, Volume XXVI (2016), No. 2 Table des matières, éditorial, y compris les détails des critiques de livres.
Le marin du nord, Volume XXVI (2016), No. 3 Table des matières, éditorial, y compris les détails des critiques de livres.
Le marin du nord, Volume XXVI (2016), No. 4 Table des matières, éditorial, y compris les détails des critiques de livres.

À noter : Cette table des matières est aussi disponible en format .pdf.


Blazich, Frank A. Jr., "The Ablest Men" American Naval Planning Section London and the Adriatic, 1917-1918 / 383

Crawford, Michael J., US Naval Plans for War with the United Kingdom in the 1890s: A Compromise between Pragmatism and Theory / 371

Anthony Dickinson, Maritime Support for Great Britain’s Antarctic Sovereignty Claim: Operation Tabarin and the 1944-45 Voyage of the Newfoundland Sealing Ship Eagle / 1

Alec Douglas, Of Ships and Sealing Wax / 247

William Glover, The Eighteenth Century Practice of Navigation As Recorded in the Logs of Hudson's Bay Company Ships / 145

Simon Hill and Daniel Kanhofer, British and American Canals c.1763 - 1825: Connectivity, Continuity and Change / 126

John T. Kuehn, Grudging Respect? Kaigun Through the Lens of the US Navy at the Time of the Sino-Japanese War / 259

Mercogliano, Salvatore R., The Shipping Act of 1916 and Emergency Fleet Corporation: America Builds, Requisitions, and Seizes a Merchant Fleet Second to None / 407

Michael B. Moir, Admiralty Orders for Canadian Shipyards: Trawlers, Drifters, and the Urgency of Coastal Defence during the Great War / 275

Louis Arthur Norton, Folklore, Superstitions and the Sea / 21

Phillip Reid, The Time Machine? Using Replica Analysis to Understand Merchant Ships and the Development of the British Atlantic,1600-1800 / 299


Hore, Peter, The Earliest Known "Stars and Stripes" / 425

Chris Madsen, Vancouver’s Waterfront and Labour in 1918: The Background Context to James Shaver Woodsworth’s On the Waterfront / 31

Samuel McLean and Roger Sarty, The Origins and Significance of Gerald S. Graham's "Convoy Diary," 1942 / 165


Gerald S. Graham, Gerald S. Graham's Manuscript Diary of His Voyage in HMS Harvester, 1942 / 171

James Shaver Woodsworth, On the Waterfront With the workers on the docks at Vancouver - some observations and experiences / 48


Critiques de livres Vol. XXVI, No. 1, texte complet.
Critiques de livres Vol. XXVI, No. 2, texte complet.
Critiques de livres Vol. XXVI, No. 3, texte complet.
Critiques de livres Vol. XXVI, No. 4, texte complet.


Canadian Nautical Research Society - Société canadienne pour la recherche nautique
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Ottawa, Ontario
K2J 5B1

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Last revised: 6 January 2017
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