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Le marin du nord - Table des matières Volume XXII - 2012

À noter : Cette table des matières est aussi disponible en format .pdf.

Rodney Carlisle, "Flagging-Out in the American Civil War" / 53

Rodney Carlisle, The Right of Search Controversies, 1839-1842 and 1857-58 / 409

Russell Freure, When Memory and Reality Clash: The First World War and the Myth of American Neutrality / 141

James D. Frost, The Stairs Fleet of Halifax: 1788-1926 / 283

John T. Kuehn, The Martial Spirit—Naval Style: The Naval Reform Movement and the Establishment of the General Board of the Navy, 1873-1900 / 121

Chris Madsen, Technology Adoption and Adaptation in Canada's West Coast Shipyards 1918-1950 / 235 [includes Appendix A: the British Columbia Shipping Act / 264 and Appendix B: the Dry Docks Subsidies Act] / 276

Thomas Malcomson, Freedom by Reaching the Wooden World: American Slaves and the British Navy during the War of 1812 / 361

Terry McDonald, A Populous, Wealthy and Thriving Port? Poole in the Mid-Nineteenth Century / 165

Samuel Negus, "Conduct unbecoming of an officer": Fraudulent enlistment practices at U.S. Navy recruitment rendezvous during the American Civil War / 27

Michael Whitby, Views from a Different Side of the Jetty: Commodore A.B.F. Fraser-Harris and the Royal Canadian Navy, 1946-1964 / 1

William Whyte, The Brooklyn Navy Yard: the heart of the Union Anaconda / 393


Brian Arthur, How Britain Won the War of 1812: The Royal Navy's Blockade of the United States, 1812-1815 and George C. Daughan, 1812: The Navy's War by Thomas Malcolmson / 179


Critiques de livres Vol. XXII, No. 1,
Critiques de livres Vol. XXII, No. 2,
Critiques de livres Vol. XXII, No. 3,
Critiques de livres Vol. XXII, No. 4.

Axel Andersson, A Hero for the Atomic Age: Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki Expedition by P.J. Capelotti / 185

J.P. Andrieux, The Grand Banks. A Pictorial History by Douglas C. Maginley / 187

Erminio Bagnasco and Augusto de Toro (Raphael Riccio, trans.). The Littorio Class: Italy's Last And Largest Battleships, 1937-1948 by Fraser McKee / 67

Iain Ballantyne, Killing the Bismarck. Destroying the Pride of Hitler's Fleet by Jan Drent / 309

Rosalin Barker, The Rise of an Early Modern Shipping Industry. Whitby's Golden fleet, 1600-1750 by Michael Clark / 188

William Battersby, James Fitzjames: The Mystery Man of the Franklin Expedition by Jan Drent / 421

Carlo Beltrame & Renato Gianni Ridella (eds.), Ships and Guns: The Sea Ordnance in Venice and Europe between the 15th and 17th Centuries by Carl Gagnon / 68

George J. Billy and Christine Billy, Merchant Mariners at War. An Oral History of World War by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 70

David S.T. Blackmore, Warfare on the Mediterranean in the Age of Sail: A History, 1571–1866 by Phillip Willams / 311

Kenneth J. Blume, Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Maritime Industry by Walter Lewis / 313

Robert J. Blyth, Andrew Lambert and Jan Rüger (eds.). The Dreadnought and the Edwardian Age by Larry Bartlett / 315

Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra, (Trans. Freeman M. Tovell). Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1792. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra and the Nootka Sound Company by John Black / 423

Walter R. Borneman, The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King—The Five-Star Admirals Who Won the War at Sea by Corbin Williamson / 425

Hugh Boscawen, The Capture of Louisbourg 1758 by Jonathan Dull / 190

John Bowen and Martin Robson (eds.), Shipwright 2012. The International Annual of Maritime History and Ship Modelling by Roger Cole / 316

Margaret Bradley, Daniel Lescallier, 1743-1822. Man of the Sea—and Military Spy? Maritime Developments and French Military Espionage Maritime Developments and French Military Espionage by Phillip Williams / 426

Jim Bresnahan (ed.), Refighting the Pacific War. An Alternative History of World War II by John Francis / 318

John D. Broadwater, USS Monitor. A Historic Ship Completes Its Final Voyage by Della Scott-Ireton / 428

Gordon S. Brown, The Captain Who Burned His Ships: Captain Tomas Tingey, USN, 1750-1829 by Frederick Leiner / 72

Ken Brown, The Canadian Canoe Company and the early Peterborough canoe factories by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 191

Kevin Brown, Poxed & Scurvied. The Story of Sickness and Health at Sea by Harold D. Langley / 193

Robert M. Browning Jr., United States Merchant Marine Casualties of World War II (Revised Edition) by Carl Gagnon / 194

Jaap R. Bruijn, Ronald Prud'homme van Reine, Rolof yan Hövell tot Westerflier (eds.) De Ruyter: Dutch Admiral by Edward Furgol / 195

James C. Bussert and Bruce A. Elleman, People's Liberation Army Navy. Combat Systems Technology, 1949-2010 by Lisle Rose / 320

Elliot Carlson, Joe Rochefort's War: The Odyssey of the Codebreaker who Outwitted Yamamoto at Midway by Robert Dienesch / 321

Paul Carroll, The Wexford: Elusive Shipwreck of the Great Storm, 1913 by Walter Lewis / 197

Frederick Chamier, Life of a Sailor by Victor Suthren / 199

Jim Christley, US Submarines 1900-1935 by Matthew McNiece / 74

Ann Veronica Coats and Philip MacDougall, The Naval Mutinies of 1797. Unity and Perseverance by W.A.B. Douglas / 323

Margaret Cohen, The Novel and the Sea by Louis Arthur Norton / 75

Nola Cooke, Li Tana, and James A. Anderson (eds.), The Tongking Gulf Through History by Ray Anthony / 76

John Dawson, An Ordinary Signalman by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 326

Christopher Deakes, Tom Stanley, A Century of Sea Travel. Personal Accounts from the Steamship Era by William Flayhart III / 201

James P. Delgado, Silent Killers. Submarines and Underwater Warfare by Karl Gagnon / 328

John Jordan and Stephen Dent (eds.), Warship 2011 by C. Douglas Maginley / 87

Helen Doe and Richard Harding (eds.), Naval Leadership and Management, 1650-1950 by Tom Malcomson / 429

Kevin Dougherty, Strangling the Confederacy: Coastal Operations of the American Civil War by William Whyte / 432

James C. Bussert and Bruce A. Elleman, People's Liberation Army Navy. Combat Systems Technology, 1949-2010 by Lisle Rose / 320

Larrie Ferreiro, Ships and Science. The Birth of Naval Architecture in the Scientific Revolution by Louis Arthur Norton / 329

James R. Fichter, So Great a Profitt: How the East Indies Trade Transformed Anglo-American Capitalism by Michael C. Connolly / 78

Norman Friedman, British Cruisers: Two World Wars and After by Ian Dew and Kathy Crewdson / 201

Cheryl A. Fury (ed.), The Social History of English Seamen, 1485-1649 by Michael Clark / 331

Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood and Mohammed-Salah Omri (eds.), Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel's Maritime Legacy by James Tueller / 80

Robert Gardiner, Warships of the Napoleonic Era. Design, Development and Deployment by C. Douglas Maginley / 332

Andreas Gondesen, Die letzten Flying P-Liner. Pamis, Passat, ihre Schwestern und Halbschwestern der Baujahre 1902 bis 1926 by Christopher Kretschmar / 334

Richard Gorski, Roles of the Sea in Medieval England by Michael Clark / 434

John D. Grainger, Dictionary of British Naval Battles by Sam McLean / 435

Shawn T. Grimes, Strategy and War Planning in the British Navy, 1887-1918 by Ambjörn Adomeit / 335

John R. Hale, Lords of the Sea, The Epic Story of the Athenian Navy and the Birth of Democracy by Ian Yeates / 436

Nelson Cole Haley, Whale Hunter by Michael Dyer / 204

Helen Doe and Richard Harding (eds.), Naval Leadership and Management, 1650-1950 by Tom Malcomson / 429

Guy Hartcup, Code Name Mulberry; The Planning, Building & Operation Of The Normandy Harbour by Fraser McKee / 205

Robert Hay, Landsman Hay by Stephen D. Behrendt / 82

Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood and Mohammed-Salah Omri (eds.), Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel's Maritime Legacy by James Tueller / 80

Donald R. Hickey and Connie D. Clark, The Rockets' Red Glare. An Illustrated History of the War of 1812 by Louis Norton / 207

Alexzandra Hildred (ed.), Weapons of Warre. The Armaments of the Mary Rose by Amy Mitchell Cook / 208

David Hobbs, A Century of Carrier Aviation: The Evolution of Ships and Shipborne Aircraft by Baird Ullrey / 84

David Hobbs, The British Pacific Fleet: The Royal Navy's Most Powerful Strike Force by Corbin Williamson / 437

Andrew C. A. Jampoler, Horrible Shipwreck by Michael Dove / 337

E.R. Johnson, United States Naval Aviation, 1919–1941: Aircraft, Airships and Ships Between the Wars by Robert L. Shoop / 85

John Jordan (ed.), Warship 2012 by C. Douglas Maginley / 439

John Jordan and Stephen Dent (eds.), Warship 2011 by C. Douglas Maginley / 87

Patrick J. Kelly, Tirpitz and the Imperial German Navy by David Olivier / 211

Stefan Kiekel, Die Deutsche Handelssciffahrt im Nationalsozialismus. Unternehmerinitiative und Staatliche Regulierung im Widerstreit 1933 bis 1940/41 (German Ocean Shipping between private Enterprise and State Influence in the Years 1933 to 1941) by Christopher Kretzschmer / 212

C.S. Knighton and David Loades (eds.), The Navy of Edward VI & Mary I by Cheryl Fury / 214

Glenn A. Knoblock, Black Submariners in the United States Navy, 1940–1975 by Thomas Sheppard / 88

Angus Konstam, Yangtze River Gunboats 1900-1949 by Carl Gagnon / 90

James Kraska, Contemporary Maritime Piracy: International Law, Strategy, and Diplomacy at Sea by Patricia Risso / 215

Andrew Lambert (ed.), Ship: A History in Art and Photography by Lars Scholl / 91

Andew Lambert, The Challenge: Britain Against American in the Naval War of 1812 by Paul Adamthwaite / 216

Nicholas A. Lambert, Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War by David H. Olivier / 440

Christopher Langtree, The Kelly's by David Gray / 92

Mark Lardas, American Light and Medium Frigates, 1794-1836 by Sam McLean / 93

Edward J. Larson, An Empire of Ice. Scott, Shackleton, and the Heroic Age of Antarctic Science by Peter Capelotti / 339

Brian Lavery, Able Seamen: the Lower Deck of the Royal Navy, 1850-1939 by Owen Cooke / 341

Paul Lee, The Titanic and the Indifferent Stranger by Louis Arthur Norton /442

Roger Littwiller, Warships of the Bay of Quinte by Christopher Madsen / 94

Janet MacDonald, Brian Vale, Nancy J. Pollock and Simon Werrett, Fish and Ships! Food on the voyages of Captain Cook by Sam McLean / 343

Ann Veronica Coats and Philip MacDougall, The Naval Mutinies of 1797. Unity and Perseverance by W.A.B. Douglas / 323

Ken Mackenzie, Keeping Watch. A History of the Navy League of Canada, 1895-1963 by Ian Yeates / 344

Charles C. Mann, 1493. Uncovering the New World Columbus Created by Louis Arthur Norton / 345

Michael R. Matheny, Carrying the War to the Enemy: American Operational Art to 1945 by Corbin Williamson / 347

James McCarthy, That Curious Fellow: Captain Basil Hall, R.N. by B. R. Burg / 218

Kevin D. McCranie, Utmost Gallantry: The U.S. and Royal Navies at Sea in the War of 1812 by Thomas Malcomson / 349

Frank McLynn, Captain Cook: Master of the Seas by John Robson / 96

Gordon Miller., Voyages to the New World and Beyond by James Pritchard / 443

William H. Miller, SS Nieuw Amsterdam: The Darling of the Dutch by William Flayhart III / 98

Marc Milner and Glenn Leonard, New Brunswick and the Navy. Four Hundred Years by Carl Gagnon / 220

Jonathon Mock, The Airfix Book of Scale Modelling by Roger Cole / 221

Daniel Morgan and Bruce Taylor, U-Boat Attack Logs. A complete Record of Warship Sinkings from Original Sources 1939-1945 by Jacob Bart Hak / 352

William Michael Morgan, Pacific Gibraltar: U.S.-Japanese Rivalry over the Annexation of Hawai'i, 1885-1898 by James Knarr / 98

Abby Jane Morrell, Captain's Wife by Evelyn M. Cherpak / 445

Ed Offley, Turning The Tide: How a small band of Allied sailors defeated the U-Boats and won the Battle of the Atlantic by Fraser McKee / 446

Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood and Mohammed-Salah Omri (eds.), Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel's Maritime Legacy by James Tueller / 80

Thomas P. Ostrom, The United States Coast Guard and National Defense. A History from World War I to the Present by Douglas Kroll / 223

Peter Pigott, Sailing Seven Seas: A History of the Canadian Pacific Line by Barbara Winters / 100

Jim Pritchard, A Bridge of Ships: Canadian Shipbuilding during the Second World War by Michael Young / 102

Glyn Prysor, Citizen Sailors, the Royal Navy in the Second World War by Fraser McKee / 352

David Pulvertaft, Figureheads of the Royal Navy by C. Douglas Maginley / 448

Geoff Quilley, Empire to Nation Art History and the Visualization of Maritime Britain, 1768-1829 by Andrew Lambert / 224

Boris Rankov (ed.), Trireme Olympias—the final report by Roeland Paardekooper / 449

Duncan Redford, TheSubmarine. A Cultural History from the Great War to Nuclear Combat by Lisle Rose / 354

Alastair J. Reid, The Tide of Democracy: Shipyard Workers and Social Relations in Britain, 1870-1950 by Christopher Madsen / 226

Terence Robertson. The Golden Horseshoe: The Wartime Career of Otto Kretschmer, U-Boat Ace by Christopher Kretzschmar / 451

Nick Robins, Coastal Passenger Liners of the British Isles by Chris Wallace / 452

Martin Robson, Not Enough Room to Swing a Cat: Naval Slang and its Everyday Usage by Tristan Danner / 103

Michael Rutstein.,The Privateering Stroke: Salem's privateers in the War of 1812 by Louis Arthur Norton / 453

Captain Samuel Samuels, From Forecastle to Cabin by B. R. Burg / 455

Paul R. Sellin, Treasure, Treason and the Tower. El Dorado and the Murder of Sir Walter Raleigh by Cheryl Fury / 456

Miroslaw Skwiot, German Naval Guns 1939-1945 by Fraser McKee / 355

Richard K. Smith and R. Cargill Hall. Five Down, No Glory: Frank G. Tinker, Mercenary Ace in the Spanish Civil War by Robert L. Shoop / 458

Sebastian I. Sobiecki, The Sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages. Maritime Narratives, Identity and Culture by Michael Clark / 460

Frederik Søreide, Ships from the Depths. Deepwater Archaeology by Amanda Evans / 356

Norman Sparksman, Jottings of a Young Sailor by Len Forrest / 104

J.C. A. Stagg, The War of 1812 Conflict for a Continent by Frederick C. Leiner / 358

Charles D. Stanton, Norman Naval Operations in the Mediterranean by Mark Nicovitch / 228

David J. Stewart, The Sea, Their Graves: An Archaeology of Death and Remembrance in Maritime Culture by John Townley / 106

Michael Sturma, Surface and Destroy: The Submarine Gun War in the Pacific by Lisle A. Rose / 107

Jean Sutton, The East India Company's Maritime Service 1746-1834: Masters of the Eastern Seas by Jaap Bruijn / 108

Bruce Swanson with Vance H. Morrison, Don H. McDowell, and Nancy N. Tomasko. A Plain Sailorman in China: the Life and Times of Cdr. I. V. Gillis, USN, 1875-1948 by Kathy Crewdson and Ian Dew / 461

Daniel Morgan and Bruce Taylor, U-Boat Attack Logs. A complete Record of Warship Sinkings from Original Sources 1939-1945 by Jacob Bart Hak / 352

David J. Ulbrich, Preparing for Victory: Thomas Holcomb and the Making of the Modern Marine Corps by Ryan Peeks / 110

Gordon Williamson, E-Boat vs MTB, The English Channel 1941-45 by Karl Gagnon / 464

James E. Wise, Jr., and Scott Baron, The 14-Hour War. Valor on Koh Tang and the Recapture of the SS Mayaguez by Jason Friedman / 229

Richard Woodman, Fiddler's Green: The Great Squandering: 1921-2010 by Michael Clark / 231

Lawrence C. Wroth, (Revised and edited by John B. Hattendorf). The Way of a Ship along with Some American Contributions to the Art of Navigation by Michael F. Dove / 465

Steven J. Zaloga, Kamikaze. Japanese Special Attack Weapons 1944-45 by Matthew McNiece / 232


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Dernière révision: 12 déc 2011
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